Leg ulcers occur in patients with a number of conditions, which range from arterial disease, varicose veins, lymphoedema, rheumatoid arthritis, infections and cancer. Mr Howard can treat leg ulcers that are related to vascular disease by improving the arteries, treating varicose veins and lymphoedema. He runs specialist joint leg ulcer and cellulitis clinics for private patients on Monday evenings with Emma Rayner, Vascular Nurse Consultant.
Please refer to this useful link for further information https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/leg-ulcer/
Lymphoedema is a swelling due to a build up of lymph fluid in our limbs. This can occur because you are born with a lack of lymph drainage channels and gradually as you get older the lymph channels you do have slowly fail causing swelling. Surgery and radiotherapy can also cause damaged lumph channels.
There is an increased risk of infection under the skin (cellulitis) and repeated attacks of cellulitis lead to more lymphatic damage. This vicious circle may eventually lead to severe infections, ulcers and even amputation in extreme cases. Therefore it is improtant to avoid insect bites and skin damage.
Lymphoedema cannot be cured but it can usually be controlled to reduce complications later. The mainstays of treatment are compression bandages or stockings, elevation of the limb, lymphoedema massage and external pneumatic compression.
Many operations have been tried to cure lymphoedema, but few have been successful. Surgery to reduce the size of the lower leg (Homan's Reduction) may be suggested if your leg remains very swollen despite compression therapy. Plastic Surgery to transplant lymphatic drainage into the groin has had some success more recently.
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